Project Matters

Project management advice – Site Under Construction

Welcome to Project Matters

This website provides Project Management advice for people with limited or no formal project management education, who find themselves managing projects; a not uncommon occurrence.

A project can involve one person or many, it can run for hours or years, it can be conducted for any number of reasons. This site is intended to provide the basics for those that need them, and to help the reader understand when it might be wiser to call in a professional PM.

The site is set up so that you can select advice relevant to your level of experience. You can either go through each page in the Beginners, Intermediate or Experienced Project Manager streams, selecting the next section link at the bottom of each page. Or you can use the menus to take you directly to a specific topic.

The Beginners entries are set out as an informal collection of recommendations, allowing you to follow a standard project Management process, but without too much jargon or excessive formal documentation.

The Intermediate entries assume that you have little or no formalised PM education, but have had experience working on a few projects. This section introduces you to some more formalised project management methodologies. The intention is to improve the way you manage projects and to introduce you to some terms that will help you understand the language of project management.

The advanced section provides information about the options for formalised project management education. It is more of a “where to next” for those who would like to make a profession of project management.

If you want to go through this site in a structured order, start here (why following pm..) and follow the links at the end of each page. If you want to find specific information use the main menu, or the site map, or try the glossary.